The best time of the year is beginning and with it, the arrival of the long-awaited aguinaldo, so planning its use is the best way to take advantage of it responsibly. Don't let yourself be carried away by impulses, here are some useful tips that you can consider to make the most of it.

The first thing to keep in mind is to be very clear about your priorities, always prioritize your debts and upcoming annual payments such as the marchamo, taxes and even the cancellation of debts, determine the exact amount you require for each one of them. Taking advantage of the aguinaldo to catch up with your debts will free you from worries this year-end.
The second thing to consider is to make a Christmas shopping budget in advance that includes all the expenses for clothes, shoes, travel and gifts for your relatives and close people, so you will know the amount you will need and you will adjust to that budget, avoiding overspending, using credit cards or even worse, resorting to loans.
As a third point, it is recommended to allocate an amount of the Christmas bonus for savings, which can be used to alleviate the heavy cost of January, to have a contingency fund or to serve for emergencies.
Set new short or medium term goals, whether it is to start the year making changes in your health, to study or if you always dreamed of traveling and seeing some place in the world, take advantage of the arrival of the aguinaldo and allocate an amount of it and fulfill your goals.
End the year with your finances up to date and make sure you have a happy, worry-free holiday season!
In your travels around the world, don't forget that at Alamo we have a presence in the USA, Canada, Latin America and Europe to accompany you in your adventures, contact us and we will gladly help you with your vehicle reservation!