
How long has it been since you've enjoyed a good vacation? And by enjoy, we mean completely disconnect from work, study and even social networks.

Making the most of this time off has very positive effects on your emotional health since it frees you from stress, helps you increase your productivity, decreases the probability of suffering from depression and the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, improves your relationships with others, increases your creativity and future planning, among many other benefits.

How to detect if you need a vacation?

If you think excessively about work, neglect your image due to fatigue and lack of time, feel irritable about the smallest things, make more mistakes than usual, feel frustration and symptoms of depression, then it is the right time to take a vacation.

Here are some tips to help you get the restorative effect you need during your vacation:

-Disconnect completely from your routine.

-Avoid excesses, this could unbalance your economy.

-Improvise and encourage yourself to do new things.

Avoid over-planning or over-scheduling your vacation, this could cause you stress by not fulfilling what is already planned.

-Do not neglect sleep, rest is essential, but more than sleeping more, it is about sleeping well.

When it's the right time to take a well-deserved vacation, remember that our large fleet of vehicles accompanies you wherever you go. Contact us and start planning the rest you deserve with Alamo, our vehicles have excellent cleaning and disinfection protocols so you can travel safely on the road.




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